Главный врач Центра голоса
Есон доктор Ким Хёнтэ принял участие в 4-м мировом симпозиуме, который проходил
С 6 по 9 сентября 2010 года в торговом центре COEX, где представил свою
диссертацию о новом методе исследования голоса.
В данном симпозиуме собрались
400 докторов и профессоров со всего мира, и боле 800 человек пришли послушать
лекции и поучаствовать в симпозиуме.
В ходе симпозиума были
прослушаны такие лекции, как «Старение голоса», «Характеристики старения
гортани», и главный врач Центра голоса Есон впервые представил новейшее оборудование для исследования голоса – мультиканальную фонокинетическую систему съемки.
Это был хороший шанс
рассказать всему миру о новейших достижениях Кореи в области исследования
Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Presbylaryngis
Hyung-Tae Kim
Institute of Performing Art Medicine, Yeson Voice Center, South Korea
An early British professional voice user observed the aged man, “turning again toward childish treble, pipes and whistles in his sound” (Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7). The perceptual characteristics of the voice in senescence are commonly accepted to include diminished volume, breathiness, relatively high pitch, diminished flexibility, and perhaps tremulousness.
The most widely reported figure of 12% vocal dysfunction in geriatric population has been accepted and prevalence of perceived dysphonia was about 20%. The hoarseness is popular symptoms in geriatric population. The most common cause of hoarseness was benign laryngeal disease followed by malignant lesions, vocal fold paralysis, laryngopharyngeal reflux, function dysphonia, and presbyphonia.
In the clinical characteristics, among the laryngeal changes are ossification and calcification of cartilage, erosion of articular surfaces, histological changes of connective tissues, vocal fold atrophy, edema, glottal gap, laryngeal tension and irregularity of vocal fold vibration. Laryngeal imaging study showed that prominence of the vocal process during respiration and vocal fold bowing and the presence of spindle-shaped gap during phonation were significantly more common in the presbylaryngis.
In the acoustic characteristics, Harmonics-to-Ratio was found to be a more sensitive index of vocal function than jitter and shimmer in the geriatric population.
This session of panel also will discuss the vocal fold dynamics of presbylaryngis with high-speed videoendoscopy and diagnostic characteristics of visualizing laryngeal image. Issues that arise while examining the acoustic and aerodynamic indexes will also be taken up by this panel.
New diagnostic evaluation of phonokinetic aspect for professional voice users
Institute of Performing Art Medicine, Yeson Voice Center, South Korea
Backgrounds: There have been many trials to characterize the activity patterns of phonatory muscles during classical singing. It can be valuable diagnostic aspects to substantiate the muscle usage during inhalation and phonation and to investigate the relationship to changes in pitch and vocal loudness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of newly developed multichannel phonokinetic evaluation system (MPES) for the complex phonatory functions during classical singing.
Material and Methods: 11 professional opera singers ( 3 male, 8 females) participated. MPES simultaneously evaluated the multichannel signals from voice, airflow, chest and abdominal respiration, EKG and surface electromyographic activity (EMG) that was recorded from bilateral trapezius(TZ), masseter (MM), geniohyoid(GH), Suprahyoid (SH), thyrohyoid (TH), and sternocleidomastoideus (SCM). During classical singing, videocamera captured whole performances of three singing tasks and synchronized with other signals and displayed the EMG amplitude of all muscles with respiratory events, voice signal and EKG.
Results: GM and MM showed correlated activity patterns during phonation by classical singers. Substantial muscle activity was observed in neck during singing. The activity of GM showed non consistent task-based difference in EMG activity for high pitched singing tasks even though the activity of other muscles in neck was markedly increased when sustained sound in the high pitch. 3 singers who had had pitch instability and intermittent dysphonia during classical singing showed discrepancy of activity of TZ , SH , and TZ.
Conclusions: This new phonokinetic evaluation system can be used a complementary evaluation of the phonatory pattern and substantiated the phonatory muscle usage and kinetic aspect of respiratory phasing during classical singing.
Keywords: classical singer, phonatory pattern, surface EMG, professional voice